Driffield Probus Club


RiverheadDriffield Probus Club was started in 1971 for retired and semi retired business men in the town and surrounding areas from all walks of life. There are approximately 2,000 of these clubs in Great Britain. Recently it was unanimously agreed to accept lady members and we have now enrolled many. The ladies are enhancing and enriching the environment of the Club.

The aims of the Driffield Probus Club are to promote fellowship and companionship among like-minded retired and semi-retired people, to provide an opportunity to meet and talk with members from a wide range of working backgrounds and to help enhance the social aspects of retirement through a range of activities designed to meet different needs and tastes. Also we aim to provide a support network for members and their husbands, wives and partners and to provide an opportunity to meet new friends.

After struggling along for two years during Covid where membership fell, and not being able to get together, we made the best of a bad situation by having Zoom meetings. Although not perfect they allowed us to continue. After a year of rebuilding we are now confident we can move forward with safety.  We feel we are now in a position to invite and recruit new members.

Our Club meets at the Cricket Club on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 10.00 till 12.00. At the first meeting in the month we have an internal speaker, quizzes and discussions etc. At the second meeting we have external speakers who give talks, many illustrated, on a wide range of interesting subjects. Also we have extra visits to interesting places usually with an afternoon tea or lunch. This year we have had visits to Bempton Cliffs, Burnby Hall Gardens and The Wolds Gliding Cub at Pocklington, where many of our members flew in a glider. There were also visits planned to a Theatre, Black Ridge Archery Range, Elvington Air Museum, Ryedale Folk Museum, Wolds Gliding Club and Beverley Treasury. In addition in December we will be having a Christmas Party.

After our Annual General Meeting in October we published a full programme of speakers and visits for the coming year. See here
Anyone wanting any further information please contact Gerald Massey on 01377/257063.



Our Recent Activities

Help for Diabetic Group

At a recent meeting our member Sarah Ryalls asked members to give her any chocolate biscuit wrappers to decorate a Christmas Tree for the Bridlington Diabetic Group and sent us a photograph of the finished tree. It was put on display at St John’s Burlington Methodist Church on St John Street Bridlington.


Steve Southcoat gave an informative and amusing presentation
about the work of a 17th century surgeon.


visit to the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Museum at East Kirkby


Members at Black Ridge Archery - February 2024

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